is housewife a career

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  • elizabeth jarvie   is housewife a career 1818-00-00   barony, lanarkshire, scotland

  •  is housewife a career 1818-00-00   is housewife a career william jarvie is housewife a career anstruther patey
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    is housewife a career

    principal name
    1840-06-12 marriage andrew fyfe cambuslang, lanarkshire, scotland
    1843-03-20 childbirth anstruther patey fyfe cambuslang, lanarkshire, scotland
    1845-03-14 childbirth mary ann quint fyfe cambuslang, lanarkshire, scotland
    1847-00-00 childbirth esther fyfe cambuslang, lanarkshire, scotland
    1848-02-27 childbirth elizabeth fyfe chapelton, cambuslang, lanarkshire, scotland
    1850-10-20 childbirth george fyfe cambuslang, lanarkshire, scotland
    1855-01-22 childbirth janet fyfe cambuslang, lanarkshire, scotland
    1856-00-00 childbirth isabella fyfe cambuslang, lanarkshire, scotland

    records 1 to 8 of 8

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